    This site is under heavy construction, please bear with us and check back often, in the meantime if you need an estimate or want to place an order email us at the above address.

    Below is a list of some of our basic products and services with pricing to give you some idea of the money you can save using

  • Business Cardz $75 per 1000 (2" x 3.5")
  • Foldover Business Cardz $125 per 1000 (3.5" x 4")
  • Post Cardz $125 per 1000 (4" x 6")
  • Rack Cardz $150 per 1000 (4" x 9")

    All of the above pricing is based on the following:
    14pt. Gloss Cover, 4/4, UV Coated.
    Customer supplied disk with print ready files.


Thank you for visiting our website. This site is under heavy construction, however we are still able to take orders. In an effort to make your print buying experience a pleasant one we are hard at work on this site to make it as easy and automated as possible.

We have tried to construct a product line of the most popular full color priniting products that we could, without deviating from our mission of providing short-run full color printing to the public (and trade) with prices at or below the competition.